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電話アイコン0867-62-2211(お電話受付/11:00~15:00 18:00~21:00)


..A Sketched Gift received from our guest, also foreign Guests from Taiwan & South Korea..

Last night it becomes cold at Yubara Hot Spring. We have a guest at Hakkei Sketched a rabbit, Okami san & my image. The guests gave us a present of our drawing. In a pleasant atmosphere, little rain and dinner with family complete holiday.

These days many Japanese travelling countryside with their cute little childrens. This week we have lots of children spending their holidays at Hot Spring. A family journey filled with love. During dinner time having lot more fun to do at Hakkei.

Lots of foreign guests also visiting this month. We have 2 families from Taiwan and 1 family from South Korea in a day. In fact guests from Taiwan knows Japanese & English a little bit. Liked dinner meal at Hakkei.

We welcome our valued guest to enjoy their holidays at Hot Spring Resort Hakkei.

Kindly follow us for more information from Yubara - Hakkei.