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電話アイコン0867-62-2211(お電話受付/11:00~15:00 18:00~21:00)


You should definitely Eat Fried chicken in Japan

If you`ve only slurped Ramen or Japanese noodle, and tasted sushi, you are missing UMAMI rich Wafu fried chicken.

We ganna give  you  101 of the how the time will be so precious and make the memory unforgettable in this city with fried chicken.

Some people would hit beach or skiing in the morning. At the evening, Hit a club and fancy party and drink all night until get dizzy.

Yes, that is the modus operandi when people head to the journey.

In this city on the other hand, we ganna  present that number of tips that you can grab the memory.

 Wafu Fried chicken in HIRUZEN called YUYU

My advise is literal. when you in Japan you gatta eat this fried chicken specifically.

“Wafu” refers to something that’s done in the “Japanese style,” and can apply to almost anything.

This fried chicken restaurant is always full costumer and it`ll take roughly two hours to get the table.

Staffs  are non English speaker, but at least  they are so generous to serve the plate if you order the menu.

Speaking of the menu, here is the thing. check this out.

The chicken

When I dive in to this restaurant,  I saw the bunch of plate . it doesnt seem like everyone in this restaurant has same order.

What I order at this time is....... Wafu fried chicken and think it represents this restaurant.

you can order the piece by piece then grab the chicken!


I deemed I could go more of pieces...

then get ordered  9 pieces. Substantially  flavorful, cant forget this plate.

1.7 $ for one pieces.

9 pieces costs over 10$

still affordable!!


cant miss this restaurant !